2016臺南市英語閱讀季 Tainan English Reading Festival

專案說明:2016臺南市英語閱讀季 Tainan English Reading Festival網站建置,嚮應式RWD網頁設計,完整的網站後端管理機制。


2016臺南市英語閱讀季 Tainan English Reading Festival 中英文並陳網站建置,貼心設計都兼顧民眾閱讀網頁時的舒適感與便利性。
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2016臺南市英語閱讀季 Tainan English Reading Festival-網頁設計

閱讀季簡介 About the Festival

現代繪本之始-小兔彼得 帶你勇闖英語閱讀花園

西元1902年,碧雅翠絲‧波特小姐創作《小兔彼得的故事》,從此小兔彼得成為全世界最受歡迎的故事主角之一。《小兔彼得的故事》是英國第一本現代繪本,被稱作「現代繪本之始」,帶動了英國閱讀繪本的風潮。波特小姐總共創作24本膾炙人口的經典繪本,直至今日,仍廣受世界各國大小朋友的喜愛,帶領人們進入繪本的美好世界。 今年7月28日適逢波特小姐150周年誕辰,在英美均有各式的慶祝活動。臺南市政府為提升英語力、鼓勵親子共讀,特別與國際接軌,以小兔彼得為主題,舉辦「臺南市英語閱讀季」。期望透過英國現代第一位繪本主角-小兔彼得,帶動臺南市英語學習的風氣,讓大小朋友都能享受英語閱讀的樂趣! 今年夏天,臺南市英語閱讀季推出「走入小兔彼得的世界」特展,辦理超過100場「小兔彼得故事屋-英語說故事活動」、11場「英語Fun學沙龍─名人面對面、素人來分享」親子講座活動,並搭配英語閱讀、歌唱集點活動,鼓勵小朋友暑假期間快樂學英語,也期盼家長陪伴孩子們英語共讀。 臺南市政府誠摯邀請各位大朋友和小朋友一起參與,為今年夏天留下難忘回憶!

Ever since The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published in 1902, the mischievous little rabbit created by Beatrix Potter has been one of the favorite characters of children's literature, beloved by readers around the world. Considered as the first modern English picture book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit captivated the imagination of British children, and raised a tide of enthusiasm for picture books. Beatrix Potter wrote 24 illustrated children's tales in total, a collection that remains as popular today, with readers of all ages, as when she first created them. July 28th, 2016 will be the 150th anniversary of Beatrix Potter's birth, and will be marked by many celebratory events in Britain and America. In order to promote English reading and encourage parents and children to enjoy reading together, the Tainan City Government is joining this international celebration by holding a series of Peter Rabbit themed English reading events. This summer, the Tainan English Reading Festival will feature an exhibition on The World of Peter RabbitTM, plus a fun-filled schedule of events including over 100 presentations of Peter Rabbit's Story Time and 11 sessions of the Talks on Learning English with Fun, accompanied by a reward program for children, to inspire parents and children to learn and use English together. Tainan City Government warmly invites everyone to join the festival for a summer of unforgettable enjoyment.